A.D.R. (Andrew Daniel Ritchie) is an American who lives in Brevard County Florida.
Andrew was born and raised in Florida where he was the youngest of three sons. Growing up he loved being transported to different worlds through various different books, movies, and video games. Some of his favorites were Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Prydain, Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts, Supernatural, and Mission Impossible. He hopes his writing will allow readers a chance to leave the world behind and enjoy a fantasy ride for at least a short while.
Andrew studied for his associates while working in retail after high school eventually earning his bachelors and masters degree and becoming a teacher. Venturing into wireless sales and then into Life and Health Insurance; Andrew has always had a knack for helping others. Andrew is currently an Indepentant Life and Health Insurance agent helping others navigate the complexities of their insurance needs. Writing is Andrew’s passion, however, it is not his main financial income so he must balance the time he spends on it with his other interests and priorities.
Being a divorced father, Andrew shares split custody over his two children with their mother. Asher and Ellie are in elementary school. Asher loves making art out of recycled pieces and Ellie’s favorite thing to do is draw. As a family they love going to the Florida themeparks and beaches.
A few fun facts about Andrew:
1 – He watches the Lord of the Rings trilogy every year.
2 – Zoolander and the Greatest Showman are his favorite movies.
3 – He goes to the gym three times per week
4 – He has 16 nieces and nephews
5 – Andrew despises frogs.
6 – Siberian Huskies are his favorite dog breed and he has an all white one named Zola.
7 – Christmas is his favorite holiday.
8 – Final Fantasy X is his favorite video game.
9 – Carrabbas is his favorite restaurant.
10 – Surfing is his favorite sport.
To read a sample of “Survival of the Golden Fairies” click here.
To read a sample of “Welcome to Aldora” click here.
To read a sample of “Drake’s Curse” click here.
Links to Andrew and his books on amazon: